God: How have you been *insert name*?
Hi guys!!!!
This is alex, yeah i made a
mistake, i am sorry, this is why lesson is up so late.
We are starting on a new book, the
main theme or topic or point of the book would be learning about jesus and his
When i prayed about what the lesson
should be for tomorrow, there were a few things swimming in my head.
Things such as
1) How nice my get away trip with
my cell was.... haha.
2) What the state of the ministry
is right now, how the boys are doing that well.
3) How some leaders have dropped
4) Zhan feng and i talking about
how the youths are in a state of jadedness
4) Ariel talking about prayer.
5) Edmund and i talking about girls
and their make up.
6) The combined ocean cell retreat
And then a question hit me. What
was the one spiritual thing you needed the most when you were in sec3?
I asked a few leaders and continued
to seek God.
Then it hit me, no matter what age,
what point of life, what circumstances you are in. The one spiritual thing you
need the most is Jesus.
That is why i have entitled the
lesson as God speaking to us, How have you been?
Cause at the end of the day that
is essentially the heart of life. To have a relationship with God. To
be in commune with God. That is the one thing that we as leaders need to do. To
tell them about God, how wonderful our shepherd is!!!! What he did, what
he is like!!!
Not tell them what to do, how they
should be talking their parents, when they should start dating. yes we have
good intentions, yes it is christian like but if you really look back, all we
have been doing is picking verses from the bible and telling them a set of
rules to follow. Like what zhan feng pointed out to be last week. Even
though we are called leaders, but we dont actually lead our youths in life
cause sheep cant lead sheep.
What our kids need to know is our
God, our shepherd and how awesome he is. Cause when one knows and acknowledges
how awesome something is, he or she will naturally be drawn to it. I say again
the crux of christianity is the relationship with God. Will your youth have a
better relationship with God, once he acknowledges and knows more about
God? DAM STRAIGHT HE WILL! cause you have as well. And who better to talk
about than Jesus,the full embodiment of God's glory, his
Ok down to business,
Tuner: You need pieces of paper and
a lighter. Im thinking to get them to write down all the deep dark secret sins
on the piece of paper. Yeah you get it
Verse for today: John 3:16
There is a reason why every single
christian can remember this verse. Im going to refer to desiringgod.org, yeah
going to change certain things.
Some key things i picked out to
expound on the verse
1. God
“For God so loved . . .” There is
no reason to think that Jesus means any other God than the God of the Old
Testament. He is the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He is
personal and not a mere force, meaning he thinks and wills and feels. He loves,
and he hates. And as personal, he is moral—that is, he deals with us in terms
of right and wrong and good and bad. And as moral, he is unwaveringly
righteous. He only does what is right. And the infinite worth of what he is
defines what is right. To do right is to think and feel and act in a way that
accords with (is in harmony with) God’s infinite worth.
All of us were made by this God,
and our first and highest duty and reason for being is to honor him and give
him thanks (Romans 1:21). Ask them to look at the words on their paper. We have
all failed, and we are all under his righteous displeasure. This is what makes
John 3:16 so needed and so precious. It describes the way God is acting to
rescue us from this condition.
2. Gave
“For God so loved the world, that
he gave. . .” Two things need to be said about this giving. One is that it is a
giving from heaven. And the other is that it is a giving, not just to come to
earth, but to die. Verse 17 replaces the word give with send. “For God
did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the
world might be saved through him.” So the giving of verse 16 is God’s sending
his Son into the world on a mission from heaven.
In John 10:17–18, we see what the
climax of that mission from the Father is. Jesus says, “For this reason the
Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one
takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay
it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received
from my Father.” That last sentence shows that the reason the Father sent the
Son was so that the Son would lay down his life. “I lay it down of my own
accord. . . . This charge I have received from my father.”
So when John 3:16 says, “For God so loved
the world that he gave . . .”, the giving is God sending his Son to earth on a
mission to die. It’s just as amazing—only a million times more so—as if you
should say to your son, “There is something I want you to do for me: I have
some enemies that deserve to perish, and I want you to go and die in their
place, so that they can have eternal life.” Whatever else you know about God,
make sure you know he is like that
3. Believe
“For God so loved the world, that
he gave his only Son, that whoever believes . . .” Four observations about this
First, it means that not everybody
will benefit from what Jesus came to do. But “whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life.” The rest will perish—and not have eternal
Second, if we are to believe this
would mean to embrace something as true; and when it’s a person, it means to
trust them to be what they are and do what they say.
Third, John 1:11–12 shows that
another word John has in mind to explain believe is receive. “[Jesus] came to
his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive
him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” So
receiving Jesus and believing Jesus explain each other.
This means that we believe,
we receive for we acknowledge God. That he cleansed us of ALL OUR
(go burn that piece of paper full
of your sins cause in God's eyes it is cleansed.)
That we are made holy and righteous
by his blood once and for all. And you can enter bodly into the presence of almighty
without guilt, condemnation or expectation of punishment. Because of the cross,
the price for sin has been paid. Sin no longer hinders you from entering his
Believing in Jesus also means believing that Jesus has fulfilled
completely the righteous requirements of the law. Everytime you fail, you
should not feel condemned, cause God doesnt condemn you cause Jesus has already
fulfilled that, he has already wiped that clean. God doesnt count it on you
anymore. If God doesnt condemn you then why should you condemn yourself?
You are perfect in Christ Jesus. I sined but i can pick myself up again because
of Jesus, God has forgiven me and through Jesus's power has enabled me to be
the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.
This righteousness is the grace of God. Grace is a gift.
In john 3:16, it has nothing in it that says we humans merited this gift of
righteousness through our acts. And even now we cannot achieve it by our
obedience of the law, that is self righteousness. This righteousness of Jesus christ
that you have. In God's eyes you are righteous as Jesus himself cause
of Jesus.
That is the beauty and reason why
all Christians remember john 3:16
To put the icing on the cake, dont you think we should tell our
fellow woolly creatures how awesome our shepherd is personally? How he has made
you lied down on green pastures this week.
Yeah break up into groups and start telling each other how awesome
God is your life.
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