The Miracles of Jesus

Aug 18

The Miracles of Jesus

John 11:1 - 44
Lazarus' Death

What did Martha's words in John 11:21-27 suggest about her beliefs?
- She thought that Jesus would be unable to raise her brother

What might the disciples have felt about Jesus actions?
- Jesus seemed to have taken his time to go to Lazarus - The disciples might have been puzzled or confused
- Jesus could have healed from a distance. But why didn't He? - Confused + Hurt

If a similar miracle was to be performed in today's time, how would you react?

In this passage, there are a few very confusing things in the way Jesus acted. Firstly, Jesus could have healed His dear friend right away from afar and thus saving his life. Also, Jesus chose to wait instead of going immediately to the aid of His friend.

Sometimes, God allows us to go through a certain amount of hardship so that when God reveals His glory, we can see His power at work clearly in our lives. Jesus waited four days even though He knew that the family would have to suffer during those 4 days mourning for Lazarus. But He purposefully did all those so that the power of the Father would be obvious when He raised Lazarus from the dead to demonstrate that Jesus is THE resurrection and the life.

God allows hardships to happen to us sometimes so that He can strengthen and build up our faith. Our spiritual muscles strengthen through resistance and difficulty.

Why didnt Jesus raise Lazarus on the first day?
- Might be to get rid of any doubts that Lazarus was actually dead.
- As Jesus' cruxifixion wasn't far off, it might be to demonstrate God's power over death
- A time for faith for us believers, as we learn to have faith in God

Then why did Jesus cry in John 11:35 if He knew that He was going to raise Lazarus?
- Perhaps Jesus loves you, and it hurts Him even when you go through those bad times
- Perhaps Jesus felt the disbelief in all the people present there.
- Perhaps He was upset at the realities of sin and death caused by Satan

Why then does God allow bad things to happen to us?
- All things happen for a purpose, sometimes we may not understand
- James 1:2-4. God is making us stronger in our faith

Sometimes, we may feel like we are the only ones going through tough situations. In fact, all of us struggle through life together. In times that we feel lonely and overburdened, it is comforting to know that Jesus is with us all the way, and even more comforting that He brings the gift of Salvation. Even among our Christian community, we can be assured that there are fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who can lend a ear or support us through (Thats why we have cell group too!)

Questions to ponder and reflect upon: (up to choice to share)

1. Do you turn to God for help? Why or why not?

2. Is there anything you can turn to God to right now?

4 Simple Points to keep in our hearts:
1. God loves you (and He also cares for you)
2. God can help you (He is able)
3. God is always there for you (Ever present)
4. God comforts you

Is there anyone, Christian or not, that can use some comforting from God? Sometimes God works through other people too. What is one way that you can reach out to them and show God's love?


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