2 Jan

No lesson on 2nd Jan. Please come in to service on time in smart casual for your leaders installation. There is some activity & catered food at ACJC so please proceed there as per normal.


I share it because it might be helpful to you... =]

The History of Redemption

19 Dec

"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." - Jer 2:13

Pet suggested that we have a time of sharing.. especially for the campers to share their experience with their friends.

My suggestion:

Ask them to share their camp experience. If your group is small, join with another so that all may be edified.

For those who have come back from camp. Is their relationship with God better than before - or back to 'normal'. They will likely need some encouragement. For all - is their relationship with God absent, ritualistic, or alive?

Ask them to share their hopes - how they would like their relationship with God and church to be different. Have each one pray for this.

Made for two communities

You were hardwired to live in two communities of love, with God and your neighbor. Only grace can make you willing and able.”

- Paul David Tripp, Twitter Post

Session dunno what number: Evangelism

3rd Decemeber

Ok hi guys, before I start telling you my awesome plan about how to have the most awesome and fun sec 1 teaching session EVER!!! I thought we should all take a look at alden’s blog. http://bluegloves.tumblr.com/post/2071560866/sketchmedesire-testimony-from-a-18-year-old

Yeah ok go on watch the video, I’ll wait for you.

Finished? Ok good. Well I don’t know how you guys feel after watching that. But I most certainly hope that it motivates you to share God’s Love to the world. Ok I think as much as our kids should know the theory behind evangelism and why we must do it. I also do think that we have to equip them to share.

Hook: The Christmas List

-Everyone has to have a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil

-Next, everyone writes down three things that they are thankful to God for providing and

One reason why they believe in Christ and one thing they wish for this Christmas

-Next, pair people up, you can choose to take the less talkative ones if you like, so as to encourage them.

So basically, they will take turns to share about their list.

After that gather them back and tell them they have basically just shared the gospel to their partner. Easy peasy lemon squeezey wasn’t it? Keep it you will need this later.

Ok from here on, the words in red are the gay version, you don’t have to read them.


By now they should be amazed at how easy it is to share. Begin by doing a recap of the FOUR KEYS that Santa Claus has shared.

1. They became CONCERNED for their hurting friend

Romans 15:2 : We should all be concerned about our neighbour and the good things that will build his faith.

I believe that we all for someone we are concerned for. Does that person know that there is a way out of the hole he or she is stuck in? Does that person know how much goodness and blessings are out there waiting for him? Or Whats worse, does that person know he or she is going to spend eternality in never dying flames of doom? If you don’t share aren’t you robbing your friend of the option to make a choice?

Imagine this; you and your friend heromine are two happy wizards. One day Dumberdore tells you that the both of you are the chosen two and that both of you will be hunted down by Lord Voldermort!!!! But before he dies, he tells you of this kick ass potion that you can drink and Voldermort can never ever kill you/ So obviously what do you do? You drink it and you go and tell heromine the whole story and ask her to drink the potion right?!?!?! I mean are you seriously going to let your friend heromine die?!??! Yeah so in the same way, if you don’t share, you are as good as killing your friend.

2. They believed Jesus would save their friend

Hebrews 7: 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them

Just now in the Christmas Wish list, your kid should have already written down the reason why he or she believes in Christ. And that is very important when sharing the Gospel. If you are not sure how God has saved you? How can you tell others about God saving you? So do try to probe and test your kid’s reason for believing and having Faith in God. And also help them to find out why they do believe in God.

3. They didn’t just pray for their friend; they brought him to Jesus

Luke 14:23: Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.

Many of our friends out there can’t get to Jesus by themselves. They need ordinary friendly neighbour superheroes like us to help them. Cause a lot of people are paralyzed in life. They are paralyzed by fear, guilt, loneliness, or circumstances and problems. They can’t get to Jesus on their own. Praying is good but Praying with action is better and praying+ action+ God is powderful.

Please switch on your imagination button. Ok now picture yourself at age 35, you are happily married to whoever you want to marry. Yes you can pick Jessica Alba or Ryan Reynolds or for ken its Yuri.

Oh and btw you guys have a 5 year old daughter named Ashley. OK and one day in the middle of the night, Ashley has a high fever (42 degrees!!!) What do you do?

  1. Think to yourself: it’s ok, Ashley is a strong girl, ill bring her in the morning

  2. Take out your wand, and use the obliviate spell on yourself

  3. Wait for your lovely hot famous husband/ wife to come back


Ok so in life, its pretty much the same. Sometimes we just think that its ok someone else will take care of it, or no problem there is still time. But I guess nobody knows when they are going to die. So every second counts.

4. They didn’t let difficulties DISCOURAGE them

Yes I know sometimes it can be hard. Your friend thinks your some holy dude or this guy is siao. But I believe that with each act of love that you show to your friend, it can be even something as simple as opening the door for him or her or going out of your way to hand he or she something. I believe that as all these adds up, there will be a break through one day. Even a single grain of rice can tip the scales and isn’t it worth it? Knowing that your friend is saved?

Oh and what better time to share the gospel than during Christmas. Its as simple as

  1. Take out the Christmas wish list and turn to your friend

  2. Hey Chrismas is coming up what is you wish for Christmas this year? Oh I wished for Blah blah blah and you tell the person what you wished for blah blah

  3. Actually do you know the reason behind this holiday? NO? Are you serious? Let me tell you Blah blah, yeah so Jesus was born and did you know he died for you and me? And the reason why I believe so is (insert reason)

  4. Yeah and my life has changed ever since. Really? How? ( insert three things you are thankful for)

  5. OH and you should try to give your friend the present he or she asked for with a note saying “Merry Christmas!!! Jesus loves you!!! KTHXBAI”

Ok so thank you for reading so far and putting up with my nonsense.

This would probably be more suitable for the first lesson, but then again this isn’t meant for the kids.

Just a reminder of what we’re looking for:

Midway upon the journey of our life

I found myself within a forest dark,

For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

Ah me! How hard a thing it is to say

What was this forest savage, rough, and stern,

Which in the very thought renews the fear.

So bitter is it, death is little more;

But of the good to treat, which there I found,

Speak will I of the other things I saw there.

I cannot well repeat how there I entered,

So full was I of slumber at the moment

In which I had abandoned the true way.

  • From “The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri”, Canto I

Being lost in the woods, awaiting death, such is the sad reality of losing one’s purpose, losing all reason to live. Though the purpose in which Dante finds is more of fantasy than reality, there are many emotions I can relate with, and some emotions that I have seek to avoid.

The divine comedy is a poem depicting the tale of a man dreaming of entering hell to save a loved one and an opinion on the structure of hell. You guys can probably expect quotes from his poem in my lessons. Don’t worry though, as much as I will be true to myself, I will be true to the word. There will be no twisting it into my own dark fantasy.

Anyway, on with the lesson (Start printing from here)

Decided to write two endings, feel free to slap me in the face on Sunday haha

Well obviously, we have to start from the beginning.

Go over the parable of the Good Samaritan one more time.

Just go over it briefly, in appropriate detail. I really hope that no one has to start from here, but it is certainly unavoidable. If you want, clarify with them what the oil and wine is for. The oil and wine in this case most likely represented a gift from the Holy Spirit, or telling us to share our gifts (since Jesus is talking and wants to slip in a little hidden message). As little as possible, try to go over which one they can relate to most and share (If possible) experiences where you have met the truly needy, and how you had and could have reacted.

In many ways they have been chided about feeling remorse for the less fortunate, through their parents and also through public education. Not saying that it is inappropriate to monger pity here but it isn’t always effective, and move on if the response is poor.

If we’re getting rid of the video, go through the blanks as well.

(Start with either 2a or 2α, depending on your preference)

Part 2a


Defining service for God:

Firstly, we should take a look at the meaning of the word service, which is “work done that benefits another”. So service for God is basically work done that benefits God.

Part 2α


Reasons for serving God:

Now, we get them to turn their bibles open, back to good old Romans 12, where we learnt about being a living sacrifice. This time, get them to read verses 3 to 8. From the verses, the main reason we serve is because god has already equipped us with talents which can be used for serving God, which is how we can repay him.


From here on out, the main idea is to be discussing about how we can bring benefit to God. Obviously there are several ways to go about it, but it would be easier on us to build it around the structure that Pastor Rick Warren has already established.

First method: Follow the Book using verses provided

Firstly, we have to See or identify those in need


Try to get them to think about how they can help physically rather than financially. Help them to remember and realize that it is not the effort or satisfaction that counts, it is glory that counts. (WHAT!!)

By that I mean glory to God obviously. Focus on groups that can be helped, and ways which help is not temporal but in ways that last.

Lastly, are there ways to help those that can’t be reached by our actions? Remind them that God’s power is always there, and we can always ask for his help.


How can we relate to pain? Honestly, I did not have any idea how to get them to feel other’s pain other than the obvious methods. The book was not much help either. Then it got me thinking, should we be identifying those we can sympathize with?

In my opinion, we can never exactly feel how someone else is feeling and the truth is God definitely can. We should try to get as close as possible while relying on God. Start by asking them how this can be achieved. Spending some time with those in need? Live as a pauper? Once you’re done, remind them about where God is, and how he can help us by guiding us.


The whole seizing the moment thing according to Rick Warren seems pretty inappropriate in public, especially in Singapore with all the scams going around. Put it this way, it is about being a good example of a Christian, similar to the Samaritan Jesus had described in his parable. Remind them that seizing opportunities also means making effective plans, or signing up for church initiated programs. It is about maximizing time and maximizing his glory.

Thy soul is hurt by cowardice, which oftentimes encumbereth a man so that it turns him back from honorable enterprise.

­- From “The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri”, Canto II


Read Romans 12:6-8 again. If it is about doing your best, how can you reach your best? The simple yet hard to put into practice answer is to undergo training and education. Ask them how they can train and educate themselves. The basic idea would be to reach a level where you are able to help others with their needs.

O creatures foolish, how great is that ignorance that harms you!

- From “The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri”, Canto VII

Starting small

If your group is large, split up into smaller groups and ask them what talents they have or think they have, and ask them where their talents could be used to serve the church. Pray together and ask God to let their talents flourish or identify their talents and pray that he would use it in the church when it is time. Alternatively, ask them to pray it for themselves if they are willing and not doing it half-heartedly.

Alternative method:

Planning a community outreach project!

CONGRAJULATIONS for reading this far cause if I were really busy I would’ve stopped at the previous passage and went with it. This section is for those who are daring! Whose students paid some attention during the video and also for those who want something different for a large group of students and access to a whiteboard to write everything down!

If you can’t think of anything, you could always use the board game event as an example


Identify a group of people around the Commonwealth area (old folks, run down blocks, etc) who could use your help. Try to steer them away from fundraising by reminding them the main objective of an outreach event, and that interaction with potential believers is necessary.


This would be a little easier than the one I wrote earlier. To sympathize, you need to know more about the people who you are trying to help. It definitely is out of almost everyone’s comfort zones to go around knocking on everyone’s door and checking up, but it will be helpful. Try to lead them in this direction by questioning whether they can sympathize as well with people who are strangers.


Remind them that seizing the moment is important and you need to choose your occasions where people would be more open and friendly towards you, and when people will more likely attend your event. It also involves helping out whenever possible, which can be applied in house visits or dinner events.


Assess the skills needed in your community outreach event. Do you need to learn some basic dialects? Maybe learn a simple musical instrument to draw the crowds? Remind them that they need to be the best they can be in their efforts.


This refers to closing if you choose this method yea. To close, it is really up to you. Try to pray about how god can use us in an outreach project in the future, or that we can participate in a church event in the future.




From Philippians 1:12,13, you discover that it is your responsibility to develop the
salvation you have in Christ. With this in mind, we will consider more closely the
tools God uses and the choices we make that will help us become more like Jesus.

1. Some people have thought that Paul's reference to working out our salvation
means that we have to earn our salvation. What does Ephesians 2:8-9 have to
say about this?

41. "Working out" your salvation can be compared to a physical workout. Your
workout is to develop what you already possess. In what ways is discipleship
like a physical workout?

42. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Paul says the Bible is "useful." In what ways have
you found the Bible "useful" in your life? What keeps the Bible from being more
useful in your life?

43. *Read Romans 8:28 and James 1:2-4. How has God used circumstances
and trials in your life to bring growth and Christ-likeness?


10 Minutes

One very important tool God uses to mature us is our circumstances.
You cannot choose what is going to happen to you, but you can
choose how you will respond.

*How can your circumstances be opportunities for you to serve
1. God and others? What circumstance have you experienced that God could use
as an opportunity for you to serve others?

44. Pair up and turn to the Purpose Driven Health Plan on page 51 in the Small
Group Resources section. Select one purpose in which you need to grow and
write down one action step that you could take this week to grow in that purpose.


15 Minutes

Although none of us has achieved our goal of becoming completely
like Christ, the good news for us is, God uses imperfect people to
fulfill His purposes.

How are the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and circumstances all important
in reaching people for Christ? Several of you share how God is
1. using these things to reach out to your friends and family.


15 Minutes

Recognizing that God does so much to help us grow to be like Christ
is good reason to worship Him.

*Take some time as a group to thank and praise God for His
provision of salvation and His work in transforming us to be like
1. Jesus Christ. Use short one-sentence prayers to give everyone a chance to
praise the Lord. You may pray several times, but keep your prayers short. You
can begin by saying, "Father, we thank You for...," or, "Jesus, You have given

45. In today’s lesson we learned that prayer is an indicator of whether or not you
are depending on God. What are you holding onto that you need to turn over to
God and trust Him to handle? Spend some time praying for these issues.


God created us to become like Christ. He has given us His Word, His Holy Spirit,
and custom-made circumstances to help us grow. Let's look further at some verses
that confirm the truths of this lesson and challenge us to take responsibility for our
part in this process.

1. *What truth do we learn about our responsibility in the process of spiritual growth
in Ephesians 4:22-24?

46. How is our faith affected by the Word of God, according to Romans 10:17?
What encouragement does Romans 8:11 give us in our spiritual growth?

47. What other good news do we see in 2 Corinthians 3:18 regarding God's work
in us?

Astonished and Amazed

“Being amazed by God’s grace is a sign of spiritual vitality. It is a litmus test of how firm and real is our grasp of the Christian gospel and how close is our walk with Jesus Christ. The growing Christian finds that the grace of God astonishes and amazes.”

- Sinclair B. Ferguson, By Grace Alone

40 DOP Session 3 - Fellowship

Thanks to Caitlyn and Justina for this week's lesson! :)

Session 3: Fellowship

Hook: The 'Hot Seat' game

-Write the names of all the individuals in your group at the top of different pieces of paper

- Pass them around the group and have everyone anonymously write (except for their own piece of paper) a phrase or sentence that begins with,'This is one reason why i'm thankful God put you in my life...'

- After it has gone one round, everybody gets their own pieces of paper back and reads them (reading aloud is not required))


Begin by doing a recap of the points on how to have effective Christian fellowship covered in the video i.e. the 5 building blocks

1. In short, what is fellowship?

Loving others.

2. Why should we fellowship (love others)?

1 John 3:14-18

God first loved us and so we should love him back (as covered in the previous lesson on worship). If we love him enough, we should learn to love the things (or rather people) he loves as well. Since he loves others, we should learn to love them as well.

Edification is also another reason why fellowship is important in the church. If we commit to building each other up with the love of Jesus Christ, we will be better able to face up to the strains our world has on our christian life.

*If your kids are anything like mine, they would be quick to disagree to the point that if we love someone, we tend to love the people they love. Ask them, then, 'How does your reluctance to love others (especially those who are difficult to love) reflect of the extent of your love for God?' Try not to spend too much time here though.

3. Within this TTB group you are in, how can you achieve the 5 building blocks?

Highlight 2 in particular: How do we help each other to share our true feelings; and how do we help each other to grow spiritually? Are they willing to commit to being honest and available to each other while keeping things that are shared confidential? Even doing something simple like encouraging each other in today’s hook can be a step towards true fellowship.

4. Most of us have a few groups of friends (from church, school etc.) Are these groups from friends different from their friends in church? As a Christian group, what should make us different from other groups?

Remember one of the 5 building blocks is unity? What are we united in?

We want to build a relationship that is not just of social nature where we meet up to have fun or be together because we have to work together. It is the ‘comrade relationship’ that we want to achieve: to laugh, to cry, to suffer together and to know that the common goal that we share is Jesus Christ.

5. Ask the Sec Ones what kind of relationships do they want to build in this group? Is it just another social group?

Encourage the kids to make a commitment to treat sun classes as more than just Sunday school, learning about the bible. Are they willing to help one another grow in faith and maturity? What about the times when they just don’t feel like it? Let them know that they will be held accountable to what they have said in response to this question.

End activity

**As the school holidays begin, take time out to plan an outing with your kids to build effective fellowship within your group! **

The Value of Hanging Out

For your leisure reading...

40 DOP Session 2 - Worship (7/11)

Thanks to Yun Ying and Elvira for this week's lesson! Sorry its out so late!


As we all know, the main focus for this week’s WORSHIPJ below will be a few questions and answers to facilitate in your discussion!


1) What’s worship to you BEFORE watching the video, then get them to summarise what they’ve learnt.

*worship is all about loving GOD, which is the primary purpose of your life as evident in

Matt 22:35-39

Do remember what they’ve shared so that you correct them at the end of the lesson is the answer ain’t right=)


Next, we’ll move on to the key verses for this lesson: Romans 12:1-3 (this is the ‘why’ part)

A Living Sacrifice

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

2) Why do we worship God?

Because God loves us so much that He had mercy on us by forgiving our sins. (try not to bring in grace cuz that leads to salvation and we might digress from the main point) This is supported in Rom 12:1’..in view of God’s mercy’.


Guide them through this part by following the questions closely below:

3) So how do we worship GOD?

Rom 12:1 says we OFFER our bodies as a LIVING SACRIFICE

4) So what does it mean to be a living sacrifice?

Another word for sacrifice would be an offering. Therefore, a living sacrifice would be living our daily lives as an offering to GOD (in view of His love and thus mercy on us as discussed earlier) as such, (THIS IS WHEN YOU CLEAR UP THEIR MISCONCEPTION ABOUT WORSHIP THAT ITS JUST SINGING SONGS etc.) its more than just singing songs but putting God first in ALL things.

5) Ask them what’re the idols in their lives (that stops them from being a living sacrifice for God daily, aka worshipping God daily)?

6) How are you going to start worshipping God daily by casting your idols aside? (practical approach? I think we should take note of what they say and follow up with them the following week J)


(but makes more sense if done at the end)

WE’LL SING THE SONG ‘HEART OF WORSHIP’. Woo hoooo!!!!:D This songs summarises how our worship to God should be like, all about Him and not ourselves at all. Before singing the song, run through the lyrics with them and tell them to sing the song as a prayer unto God, that they truly wanna be that living sacrifice to God, having the heart of worship daily!

Verse 1:
When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus

Verse 2:
King of endless worth
No one could express
How much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is Yours
Every single breath

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

ALRIGHTYY! Hope it helps! May you all have a fruitful session! LOVEEE YAAA! :DDDDDD

Charles Spurgeon, in a sermon dated November 2, 1884:

The best preaching is, “We preach Christ crucified.”
The best living is, “We are crucified with Christ.”
The best man is a crucified man.

The more we live beholding our Lord’s unutterable griefs, and understanding how he has fully put away our sin, the more holiness shall we produce. The more we dwell where the cries of Calvary can be heard, where we can view heaven, and earth, and hell, all moved by his wondrous passion—the more noble will our lives become.

Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior. Get close to Christ, and carry the remembrance of him about you from day to day, and you will do right royal deeds.

Come, let us slay sin, for Christ was slain.
Come, let us bury all our pride, for Christ was buried.
Come, let us rise to newness of life, for Christ has risen.

Let us be united with our crucified Lord in his one great object—let us live and die with him, and then every action of our lives will be very beautiful.

40 DOP

Discussion questions for session 1: What on earth am I here for?

Seven Questions to Ask Before You Preach or Teach the Bible

Francis Chan highlighted the importance of loving the people to whom he preaches. He mentioned seven questions that he asks himself in preparing to preach. Here are the seven questions:

  1. Am I worried about what people think of my message or what God thinks? (Teach with fear)
  2. Do I genuinely love these people? (Teach with love)
  3. Am I accurately presenting this passage? (Teach with accuracy)
  4. Am I depending on the Holy Spirit's power or my own cleverness? (Teach with power)
  5. Have I applied this message to my own life? (Teach with integrity)
  6. Will this message draw attention to me or to God? (Teach with humility)
  7. Do the people really need this message? (Teach with urgency)

(HT: Andrew Jacobson, Desiring God)

What if I make a wrong decision? (24/10)

Thanks to Milton for the lesson.


Really trusting that God provides 17/11

Leader's guide for Max Lucado's Experiencing the Heart of Jesus (Day 2)

To prepare: Read the whole lesson including the bible verses at the side.

We will start off the class with a debate. Gather together and we will split the class into two. One side must argue for and the other against. They will have 10 mins to discuss their ideas and then 5 mins to present their case.

The debate topic will either be ...
1) Non-Christians can live a good moral life. Do you agree?
2) Is human nature good or bad?
I have not decided.. am open to suggestions.

After we hear their reasons, I will wrap up, and close by asking them what they think the difference between Christians (C) and non-Christians (NC) is. The answer will can found in the book.

Skip (the introduction) and go straight to question 1, 2, 3. Don't spend too much time on them, but make sure you have their attention. After going through these questions, ask them again what the difference between Christians and non-Christians is. They should be able to articulate an answer now... Namely, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Then go through questions 4 and 5 which talk about how C and NC are different. Again, don't spend too much time on the questions.

Sum up with the Heart of the Matter, and after that, ask them whether they can tell that they themselves are different (from say their NC friends). Not a intellectual understanding of the difference but a practical, discernible difference. If they behave differently, is it because of God? Do they really trust that God provides? Experience God as described in questions 4 and 5? This is the most important part because you are getting them to critially engage with what you have been telling them. I suggest you go one round and share so that you can hear each of them out. You can guide them with 3 options... can tell, cannot tell, cannot really tell.

If they cannot or cannot really tell the difference between themselves and NCs, ask them to ask themselves why. The most likely reason is because they don't understand the significance of Jesus dying on the cross. And so we don't desire to be perfectly united with God. We read about Jesus supplying all our needs (Php 4:19) but still don't fully believe it. Another reason is because of sin hardens our heart (Psalm 97:10). If so we need to repent, to change our minds and turn to God. Either way, we must trust in God's grace and wait on God for his transforming work in our lives... This is important even for those who can tell the difference between themselves and NC.. or someday they may no longer be able to tell.

Close in prayer for your kids instead of asking them to pray. Pray that they will know that they know the Lord, and whatever else the Holy Spirit leads.

Experiencing the Care of Jesus (10/10)

Leader's guide for Max Lucado's Experiencing the Heart of Jesus (Day 1)

Asking the Tough Question

What is God doing when you are in a bind? Where is God when life starts to fall apart? What's God doing then, and does He even care? This is the question we will address today.

Ask your students what they think is their role and God's role in their studies. You don't have to given them the "right" answer, just share your experiences. Don't worry, God is sovereign ;)

Then read the 3 verses. 2 Cor 1:8 expresses helplessness, 2 Cor 4:8-9 expresses faith, and 2 Cor 12:10 expresses confidence. Ask your students which of the verses they tend to identify with. Remind them that it is not shameful to express helplessness... even the apostle Paul did!

Point out to them that it was probably tougher for Paul to make these statements and trust God then it is for them. How do I know? Paul did both work and ministry. Know the difference? If we think of work (or study) as what we do [for God] out of duty, we can think of ministry as what we do for God out of gratitude. Another difference is that in work, there is typically self interest e.g. money, good results. But in ministry, there is none. It should be an unadulterated act of service.

God's Care in Motion
Follow the book.

Entrusting Ourselves to His Care
Instead of reading this section, play Trust Fall. Have two people stand on the ground and ask the first person to lean and fall back. The second person should lunge forward and catch the first person. If it is suitable, you can also ask the biggest guy to fall and the smallest to catch. Just ask them if they dare.

Debrief: Expressing real trust God is like leaning back and falling. We can't break our fall. We depend 100% on God to catch us. It may be scary but it is the first step that helps us to move from helplessness to faith and confidence (Remember the first 3 verses above?).

His Care is Enough
Debrief: If we are going to trust someone, we want to know that he is capable of helping us. God is able, willing, and really dependable. Need evidence? Read Eph 1:19-20. He already died for your sins. He died for you. What further convincing could you need? But wait there's more... He rose again. A dead God couldn't really help you with today's problems. But God is alive!

Ask your students, "How do you think God will care for us?" Do question 5 to answer.

The Heart of the Matter
... is the conclusion.

If you're not sure what to do, allow God to take the lead.
God will fight and provide for us. We just need to trust.
That is not an excuse to shun our duties. Our calling as students is to study.
But God's power is very great for those who believe.

Have you trusted God with your studies, with your life?
(Consider asking for yes / no answer)

If the answer is no, begin trusting Him today.
Jesus calls to us, cares for us, and carries us home.

If the answer is yes, maybe it is time to consider serving.
Jesus calls us to a higher calling than to just be busy students.

Prayer (3/11)


Since Prayer is not a new topic to the Sec 1s, we have decided to take the practical approach to teach the students about prayer this Sunday because I believe it is important that they know how to pray and not just know about prayer. We will break into small groups to mentor and walk them through on the various steps of prayer. Hopefully this will erase whatever fear they have of praying with others or on their own.

Luke 11:1- “Lord, teach us to pray….”

4 steps of prayer – A-C-T-S

1) A-Adoration

2) C-Confession

3) T-Thanksgiving

4) S- Supplication

  1. Adoration: Begin by praising and acknowledging who God is and

His attributes:

  • Shepherd – ‘Lord, just as a shepherd knows his sheep, You care for us so deeply.’

  • Creator – ‘You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth yet You love us so much You know us by our name’

  • Faithfulness – ‘Lord, you are a faithful God, You never leave us or forsake us.’

  • Loving – ‘Lord , You are a loving God. Though we do not deserve Your love, You still gave Your all for us.’

Confession : God may reveal some areas of our live that are not pleasing to Him. Take a few moments to silently confess those sins.

  • Name the sin specifically, agree with God that it is sin

  • Repent , thank God and ask the Holy Spirit to help you overcome your sin

Eg. ‘ Lord forgive me when I lied about the money I took from Mom, I confess it as sin. Please forgive me, Lord’ Thank you for forgiving me and may the Holy Spirit help me to never do that again. Amen.

T- Thanksgiving: When we give thanks to God, we honor Him. Give thanks specifically for all that He has done for us.

  • Thank you Lord, for helping me to understand the difficult Math problem and for bringing John to help me with it.’

  • Thank you Lord for giving me the peace throughout my exams.’

  • Thank you Lord for giving me good Christian friends in my school’

  • Thank you Lord for protecting me from the accident just now’

*We’ll soon realize we have so much to give thanks for!

S – Supplications or Requests (finally!) : We lay all our requests before God, our own and for others( interceding) Again, be specific.

  • Lord, please help me to know You more and to love reading your Word, give me understanding I pray.

  • Lord, please heal my father’s headache and give him your rest.’

  • Lord, I pray for Jack that he will be able to come and join us for Tackle Box this Sunday.’

  • Lord, I need your help in understanding my work in History. Pray that the teacher will be interesting and I won’t fall asleep in his class.’

  • Lord, please help me to be patient with Sean even though he is getting on my nerves.’

* Ask in accordance to God’s will , ask in His Name and He will surely answer us!

A Heart That Forgives

Like it? Mp3

I want a heart that forgives
A heart full of love
One with compassion just like Yours above
One that overcomes evil with goodness and love
Like it never happened, never holding a grudge
I want a heart that forgives that lives and lets live
One that keeps loving over and over again
One that men can’t offend
Because Your Word is within
One that loves without price, like You Lord Jesus Christ
I want a heart that loves everybody....even my enemies
I want to love like You, be like You, just like You did
I want a heart that forgives,

I want a heart that forgives!
When the ones that are closest, that I’ve known the longest, hurt me the most;
I still wanna love them just like You love me
Even though I’m hurting
I want a heart that forgives
When the pain is so deep, it’s so hard to speak, about it to anyone
Just like Your Son, I give up my right to hold it against them with hatred inside
I want a heart that loves everybody....even my enemies
I wanna love like You, be like You, just like You did
Wanna walk like You, talk like You, just like You did,
Wanna be like You, live like You, just like You did

'Cause the heart that forgives is the heart that will live
Totally free from the pain of the past
And the heart that lets go is the heart that will know so much freedom

Heavy Duty Love - 26 Sept

Heavy Duty Love

Let sec 1s do survey first (Yipeng will upload this, so please be patient and wait)

Hook: Ranking different acts of love (print and cut out the flash cards provided)

Let them work together as a group to arrange the flash cards in terms of 1.
how ‘great’ the act of love is, and then ask them to 2. classify them into the 3 groups:
Agape, Phileo, and Eros.

If they cannot remember what the three types of love ... then you can do a quick
recap of the Hugs and Kisses lesson.
  • Phileo being friendship or brotherly love
  • Eros being love on a more physical, sexual level
  • Agape being sacrificial love. Agape love is love of God and from God, who is love tobegin with (1 John 4:8). God showed Agape love in that he sent His son down to die for our sins even though we didn’t deserve it at all

There is no fixed set of answers for the flashcard hook so it would be based on how you leaders perceive the types/ rankings of love to be. It's easier for you to explain to the kids why some acts of love you would rank before others.

The aim of the hook is to simply show them some examples that we think the kids
would be familiar and would be able to relate to of the 3 types of love.


1 . Can we love an enemy? (hint: is love an emotion or choice?)

If the kids do not have a definite answer to that question then continue to ask them why do we want to make that choice to love in the first place?

1 John 4:19
Because God first loved us and he is love. If we say we love him we must respond by loving the people around us.

So back to whether to or not we can and should love an enemy?

1 John 4:11-12

Love has to be demonstrated and that is why the response to God’s love comes in here by making a choice to love one another including your enemy. Verse 12 shows that also just by loving one another we are in fact winning people over for God because they would be able to see God in us.

2 . Referring to the survey, do some of the acts of love involve more emotion? (does this mean this act of love is bad, since love should be a choice?)

Yes, it seems as though some acts of love would involve more emotions than others but that does not mean that since love should be a choice that emotional love is bad. God never makes mistakes and it was him who made us with emotions which set us apart from robots and computers. However this does not discount the fact that we have to still love those we do not like or are just difficult to love can be challenging. We need to enlist God’s help to do this and we do this through prayer.

3. Refer to Survey qn 1: showing their answers, ask them how important are emotions when loving (or trying to love) an enemy(or someone difficult to love)?

Matt 5:43-48

This should shed some insight to whether emotions are important when we are trying to love an enemy. From 46-47 its clear, Jesus said that anyone on earth can give emotional love because that is human nature that you love those who love you.

So we are challenged to do something that is really difficult for us to do: love when it is difficult to. We feel like it's not in our nature to do it. That is why only through God can we accomplish such acts, that is EXPECTED of us as Christians.

4. Ask them to define agape love. (test them again to see if they were listening to the recap during the hook and also we want to bring the lesson back to the most important love of all - agape)

Agape being sacrificial and unconditional love. Agape love is love of God and from God, who is love to begin with (1 John 4:8). Give them concrete examples of conditional love to illustrate this point.

5. Read Psalms 103

Divide the Psalms into 1-5, 6-10, 11-18 What do these verses mean? Do people deserve love? Why then, does God still love? (He is the perfect example for us as loving Christians)

So basically this is the conclusion for today’s lesson that even though it might be so tough to love someone that we dislike God did not just command us to do so without showing us how The people in the verses did not deserve his love, we do not deserve his love because we are sinners but God LOVES us UNCONDITIONALLY. God showed Agape love in that he sent His son down to die for our sins even though we didn’t deserve it at all. Therefore in the same way we are to show that love to others around us that might not deserve that love because God loves us and to show that we love him, we have to love his people too.

Daena's note: You could also end by having the kids identify one person in their lives (a classmate, a sibling etc) whom they find difficult to love. Challenge them to think about how much God loves this person in spite of the fact that the kids find him/her unlovable, and challenge them to start loving that person the way God loves us.


1. Flashcards for hook: http://www.box.net/shared/y7746vpoxu
2. Heavy Duty Love Survey: http://www.box.net/shared/vjf4vn2kmj


Optional (a story that you might like to share with your kids)

It is the true tale of what took place in the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp made
famous by the movie The Bridge On the River Kwai. The camp stood at the end of the Bataan death march that brought Allied soldiers deep into the jungles of Asia. Few would survive, and everyone knew it. In order to make the best of a terrible situation they teamed up in pairs, each watching out for a buddy.

One prisoner was a strapping six-foot-three fellow built like a tower of iron. If any could come out of this alive, all felt he would. That was before his buddy got malaria. The smaller fellow was much weaker, and very likely to die. Their captors did not want to deal with sickness, so anyone who was unable to work was confined in a “hot house” until he succumbed to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and the collapse of his bodily systems.

The sick man was locked into a hothouse and left to die. Surprisingly, he did not die, because every mealtime his strong buddy went out to him, under curses and threats from the guards, and shared his meager rations. Every night, his strong buddy sneaked from the prison barracks, braved the watchful eyes above that held guns of death, and brought his own slim blanket to cover the fevered convulsions of the sick man.

At the end of two weeks the sick man astounded the guards by recovering well enough to be able to return to work. He even survived the entire camp experience and lived to tell about it. His buddy, however — the strong man all thought invincible — died very shortly of malaria, exposure and dysentery. He had given his life to save his friend.

The story does not end there. When the Allied troops liberated that camp at the close of the war in the Pacific virtually every prisoner was a Christian. There was a symphony orchestra in camp, with instruments made of the crudest materials. There were worship services every Sunday, and the death toll was far lower than any expected. All this because of the silent testimony made by a strong man toward his buddy facing death.

It is not so much what we say but how we live that will make a profound
difference in our world.

John Chrysotom, preaching in the early centuries of the church knew this: “Let us astound [the world] by our way of life. This is the unanswerable argument. Though we give 10,000 precepts in words, if we do not exhibit a far better life, we gain nothing. It is not what is said that draws their attention, but what we do. Let us win them therefore by our life.”

So in relation to the lesson, refer back to 1 John 4:12

What's the first step in winning people over for Christ? Loving them as Christ loves us.

-Gail & Petrina. (:


Here is the heavy duty love link: http://www.box.net/shared/vjf4vn2kmj

Parents Day

Hey bro and sis! Good job interacting with the parents. Hopefully it will be the start of meaningful relationships with them.

I know some of you were surprised by Pastor Ming's slides which suggested that we will only be retaining 12 of you. That was not what we had previously agreed on, and I think it is just a communication error. 12 leaders simply refers to 12 new leaders for next year sec 1s. Rest assured that as far is it is in my power, I will make sure that you are not wronged, and that you guys and girls who have served passionately and faithfully in this ministry will continue to be able to do so.

Also don't be overly concerned with any policy changes. These things will come and go. The most important thing is to persevere so that the work of the Lord is fulfilled. If you do have a concern, raise it with me and I will see that it is addressed.

Why should we read the bible? (10/9/2010)

Why should we read the bible?


1) To understand who God is

2) Improve our relationship with him

3) To become more Christ-Like


Get the kids to tell you about their favourite book. Ask them who is their favourite character in the book ask them if they think they know the character well. Ask them to tell you about their favourite book and why do they like reading it.


Useful Verses

2 Tim 3: 16-17
Pov 3: 1-6
Matt 4:4

What is the Bible?

Ask the kid what is the bible and what does the bible mean to them. (Use this question to get them thinking and it gives the group leaders a chance to know more about the kids understanding of the Bible. Get the kids to answer you before giving the answer) Ask them if the bible is more important than their favourite book mentioned in the hook. (ask them why)

The bible is the manual to life and it is also the good news. (This is the easiest answer to explain to the kids.) You can explain to them that the bible is the source of life as it tells us how God saved us and teaches us how to live as Christians in this world.

The purpose of reading the bible can be found in Pov 3:1-6. The verses are to help them understand that the bible contains the promises of God (e.g. V6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.), the purpose of life (Living a life that is pleasing in God’s sight) and is also a way God uses to speak to us(V1: My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,).

To understand who God is

Ask the Kids who do they think God is? (the kids will probably reply God is the father, Jesus is God, God created me). In order to understand who God really is, we will have to read the bible and find out through the bible stories.

God is the God of love, forgiveness and even anger. However we will be focusing on a few characteristics of God today through the Bible.

God of Compassion

God loves us so much that he has compassion for the weak, the poor and the helpless. Ask the kids what it means to have compassion on others. Then read John 11: 32-44. This is the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus had compassion towards Mary and Martha when he saw how hurt they were due to the loss of Lazarus. (Vr33: when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.) We then learn later on that Jesus went to revive Lazarus from the dead and this is an act of compassion to Mary and Martha and to those who loved Lazarus, because they were badly hurt by the loss of Lazarus.

God of wrath

Apart from a God of compassion and love, God is also a God of wrath and anger. Ask the kids what do they get angry about and ask them if it was right for them to be angry. (Do try to correct your kids if they were angry for the wrong reasons). Then read Deu 1:29-40. This is the passage about the Israelites who disobeyed God. This caused the Israelites to feel God’s wrath as they were forced to wander in the Desert for 40 Years. God did have a right to be angry as the Israelites disobeyed God’s commandment when the commandment was very clear.

God of mercy

Ask the kids if they have ever gotten away from some sort of punishment that they duly deserved. Ask them if they have done anything to try and make up for their mistake which led to the punishment. The Bible tells us that God is a God of Mercy. Mercy in the dictionary means: A disposition to be kind and forgiving. In other words, God shows us a lot of mercy by removing the punishment we duly deserve. Read Jonah 3:1-10. This is the story of how Jonah warns the people of Nineveh how corrupted and evil they were. The people of Nineveh were afraid and therefore begged for the forgiveness of God, who in turn showed mercy upon the people of Nineveh by not destroying the city (V10). Ask the kids if they have been showed mercy before and if they have shown mercy to others as well.

God of Forgiveness

Definition of forgiveness: disposition or willingness to forgive.

We have all been hurt by friends or loved ones before and it is very hard to forgive one who has hurt us really badly. But if God can forgive our sins (Which caused Jesus pain and death), we too should show forgiveness to others. Read Luke 19:1-10. This is the story of Zacchaues the Tax collector. He wrongly collected high amounts of taxes and pocketed it for his own. When he realized his error he sought after God’s forgiveness and amended his ways. Jesus forgave his sins and gave him a new start to life. Ask the kids if there are any area in their life where they can show forgiveness and try to encourage them to show more forgiveness to others.

In conclusion we can only understand more about God’s characteristics and traits when we read the bible and studying the bible. If we had not read the bible we would not have known God was the God of all the above characteristics. We wouldn’t have known he forgives people or that God does feel anger as well. Therefore reading the bible is the way for us to understand more about God.

Improving our relationship with God

Ask them how we can improve our relationship with God. Explain to them that the bible holds the answer on how to improve our relationship with God.

Read Luke 10: 38-42

The passage depicts the time when Jesus visited Martha and Mary. We realized that all Mary did was just to sit down and listen to Jesus speaking. Because Martha was too busy with the preparations, she forgot what was truly important, and that was to listen to what Jesus said. Mary did what was important in God’s sight, and that was to listen to God and improve her relationship with him.

Martha wanted to serve Jesus and do the best she could for him and it is not wrong to serve God (In fact one of our purpose on earth is to serve God). However God wants us to focus on him instead and improve our relationship with him first before serve him. We can focus and develop our relationship with God by listening to what has to say to us through the word God in the Bible. (V39 .....Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to what he said). For many Christians in this world the Lord speaks to us through the Bible as it is God’s Words. Therefore by reading the bible, we are listening to the voice of God.

To become more Christ-like

Our purpose as Christians is to become more Christ-like. However we can only become more Christ like when we develop our relationship with God and develop the fruits of the spirit, which are found in the bible. By developing our relationship with God, we can become more Christ like as we will understand what pleases him and what does not.

Read Gal 5:22-26

The fruits of the spirit tell us what we as Christians need to develop to become more Christ like.

Go through the fruits of the spirit with your kids. And ask them which area of their lives they would need to improve on. Then you can pray for them later to improve that area of their live!

In Conclusion:
The only way to become more Christ-like is to know the characteristics of God which will help to develop a deep relationship with God, by reading the bible daily!

P.S. Sorry for the late post!