2 Jan

No lesson on 2nd Jan. Please come in to service on time in smart casual for your leaders installation. There is some activity & catered food at ACJC so please proceed there as per normal.


I share it because it might be helpful to you... =]

The History of Redemption

19 Dec

"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." - Jer 2:13

Pet suggested that we have a time of sharing.. especially for the campers to share their experience with their friends.

My suggestion:

Ask them to share their camp experience. If your group is small, join with another so that all may be edified.

For those who have come back from camp. Is their relationship with God better than before - or back to 'normal'. They will likely need some encouragement. For all - is their relationship with God absent, ritualistic, or alive?

Ask them to share their hopes - how they would like their relationship with God and church to be different. Have each one pray for this.

Made for two communities

You were hardwired to live in two communities of love, with God and your neighbor. Only grace can make you willing and able.”

- Paul David Tripp, Twitter Post

Session dunno what number: Evangelism

3rd Decemeber

Ok hi guys, before I start telling you my awesome plan about how to have the most awesome and fun sec 1 teaching session EVER!!! I thought we should all take a look at alden’s blog. http://bluegloves.tumblr.com/post/2071560866/sketchmedesire-testimony-from-a-18-year-old

Yeah ok go on watch the video, I’ll wait for you.

Finished? Ok good. Well I don’t know how you guys feel after watching that. But I most certainly hope that it motivates you to share God’s Love to the world. Ok I think as much as our kids should know the theory behind evangelism and why we must do it. I also do think that we have to equip them to share.

Hook: The Christmas List

-Everyone has to have a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil

-Next, everyone writes down three things that they are thankful to God for providing and

One reason why they believe in Christ and one thing they wish for this Christmas

-Next, pair people up, you can choose to take the less talkative ones if you like, so as to encourage them.

So basically, they will take turns to share about their list.

After that gather them back and tell them they have basically just shared the gospel to their partner. Easy peasy lemon squeezey wasn’t it? Keep it you will need this later.

Ok from here on, the words in red are the gay version, you don’t have to read them.


By now they should be amazed at how easy it is to share. Begin by doing a recap of the FOUR KEYS that Santa Claus has shared.

1. They became CONCERNED for their hurting friend

Romans 15:2 : We should all be concerned about our neighbour and the good things that will build his faith.

I believe that we all for someone we are concerned for. Does that person know that there is a way out of the hole he or she is stuck in? Does that person know how much goodness and blessings are out there waiting for him? Or Whats worse, does that person know he or she is going to spend eternality in never dying flames of doom? If you don’t share aren’t you robbing your friend of the option to make a choice?

Imagine this; you and your friend heromine are two happy wizards. One day Dumberdore tells you that the both of you are the chosen two and that both of you will be hunted down by Lord Voldermort!!!! But before he dies, he tells you of this kick ass potion that you can drink and Voldermort can never ever kill you/ So obviously what do you do? You drink it and you go and tell heromine the whole story and ask her to drink the potion right?!?!?! I mean are you seriously going to let your friend heromine die?!??! Yeah so in the same way, if you don’t share, you are as good as killing your friend.

2. They believed Jesus would save their friend

Hebrews 7: 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them

Just now in the Christmas Wish list, your kid should have already written down the reason why he or she believes in Christ. And that is very important when sharing the Gospel. If you are not sure how God has saved you? How can you tell others about God saving you? So do try to probe and test your kid’s reason for believing and having Faith in God. And also help them to find out why they do believe in God.

3. They didn’t just pray for their friend; they brought him to Jesus

Luke 14:23: Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.

Many of our friends out there can’t get to Jesus by themselves. They need ordinary friendly neighbour superheroes like us to help them. Cause a lot of people are paralyzed in life. They are paralyzed by fear, guilt, loneliness, or circumstances and problems. They can’t get to Jesus on their own. Praying is good but Praying with action is better and praying+ action+ God is powderful.

Please switch on your imagination button. Ok now picture yourself at age 35, you are happily married to whoever you want to marry. Yes you can pick Jessica Alba or Ryan Reynolds or for ken its Yuri.

Oh and btw you guys have a 5 year old daughter named Ashley. OK and one day in the middle of the night, Ashley has a high fever (42 degrees!!!) What do you do?

  1. Think to yourself: it’s ok, Ashley is a strong girl, ill bring her in the morning

  2. Take out your wand, and use the obliviate spell on yourself

  3. Wait for your lovely hot famous husband/ wife to come back


Ok so in life, its pretty much the same. Sometimes we just think that its ok someone else will take care of it, or no problem there is still time. But I guess nobody knows when they are going to die. So every second counts.

4. They didn’t let difficulties DISCOURAGE them

Yes I know sometimes it can be hard. Your friend thinks your some holy dude or this guy is siao. But I believe that with each act of love that you show to your friend, it can be even something as simple as opening the door for him or her or going out of your way to hand he or she something. I believe that as all these adds up, there will be a break through one day. Even a single grain of rice can tip the scales and isn’t it worth it? Knowing that your friend is saved?

Oh and what better time to share the gospel than during Christmas. Its as simple as

  1. Take out the Christmas wish list and turn to your friend

  2. Hey Chrismas is coming up what is you wish for Christmas this year? Oh I wished for Blah blah blah and you tell the person what you wished for blah blah

  3. Actually do you know the reason behind this holiday? NO? Are you serious? Let me tell you Blah blah, yeah so Jesus was born and did you know he died for you and me? And the reason why I believe so is (insert reason)

  4. Yeah and my life has changed ever since. Really? How? ( insert three things you are thankful for)

  5. OH and you should try to give your friend the present he or she asked for with a note saying “Merry Christmas!!! Jesus loves you!!! KTHXBAI”

Ok so thank you for reading so far and putting up with my nonsense.