Love Joy Peace (Assurance of Salvation)

Alex & Edmund... Let us know what the hook is. =]

You can see my sister's lesson guide for this lesson at this link (click here) Why do I show you their lesson guide rather than write my own? First of all they have done a decent job. I also contributed to their lessons back when it was written. If there are things you think we can do better, voice it out. We should always be improving. 2ndly, I believe that the Acts study will be more formative for the Sec 1s... that is what Kenneth and I are working on.. and we need time to produce our own lesson guide for it.

If you have more time or want to do more study, read Bill Bright's transferable concept How You Can Be Sure you are saved. It talks about the assurances of intellect, of emotions, and of will. Know who he is? He is the founder of Campus Crusade.

Roster for Love Joy Peace

All in charge remember to come out with the HOOK activity... can be big group or small group.

Assurance of Salvation - Edmund and Ken
Persecution - GOFISH
Prayer - Carty and Sophia
Bible - GOFISH
Sharing the Gospel - GOFISH
Feelings - GOFISH
Friends - OCEAN
BGR - Elvira and Petrina
Love your enemies - OCEAN
Giving - Leroy and Heng Guan
Fasting - Ocean
Treasure - Alex
Be wise - Yun Ying

Feel free to invite your friends even if they are not leader to help you plan and execute the hook activities.

Discovery 3 (24/1)

This is just a duplicate of my sister's lesson from 2 years ago. I promise to work on something for all of you as soon as I can.

UPDATE (21/1):

Before you go through the material say a prayer for your youth and lesson..

When I said we are doing Discovery 3 and 4 together, what I actually meant is that we will not do discovery 4. But you should go thru the material.. it may help you to respond to your youth's response to the gospel.

I have look through the material below.. looks OK. The material below is basically an addition that says "Yes I know you say you believe in Jesus but has Jesus changed your life?"

Also it is not necc for you to use gearing up 3a and 3b if you have other interesting ways to share the gospel. =]

Discovery 3

For this lesson I would highly recommend that you take the lesson to a personal level since some if not all your students already know the facts to salvation. Please split to your respective groups when you reach ACJC and begin lesson when you are ready.

From the notes:
Do Gearing up 3a in your respective groups.

I think the notes are rather comprehensive so I would just add on to what is already there.

Jesus as God
You may want to do Col 1:15-17 to give the students a clearer idea of Jesus as God
vs 15: image of invisible God
vs 17: He is before all things (cf to Gen 1:1 & Gen 1:26) (no one was before all things except God)

Proceed on to go Gearing up 3b & 3c after going through Jesus as a man. I suggest that you do Gearing up 3c 1st as I think the lesson would flow better. or you may choose not to do either one.

His work
You may want to go further and ask why does it have to be Jesus who have to died for our sins (link back to last week's hook & also the hook 3c) and ask them what if Jesus didnt resurrect? What if what we have been hearing is not true? If you have the time you may want to share with them why you think that Jesus is real, in other words, your testimony. Then gather back at the conference room by 11:40am, I will be going through additional notes 3.1.

Personal sharing
I think if you find that the students already know all of this coz I know that some of them are saved, you may want to ditch the materials and do something more personal. You may want to share this with them, Ya, Jesus saves us? So what? (link). Remember that our role is to challenge what they already know, to let their head knowledge become heart knowledge, to challenge and ask them if they are sure that they are Christians. If they already know that Jesus died for them and He is the only one that saves then ask them the following questions:

Since you already know that Jesus is the only way to salvation then are you saved?

If yes you are then why are you still sinning? (you may want to raise up some things you have observed about them during the orientation camp or the previous 2 lessons, I know that some of them weren't sleeping even though they were told to so that may be a starting point)

  • Maybe we actually enjoy sinning? (share with them that we are born evil by nature (Col 3:5) and we do get a kick outta sinning and getting away with it, a good time to be personal with them)
  • But what are the consequences of sinning? (they already know that eternal death is the consequence but remind them that punishment from sin is something we cannot run away from. Talk about the present consequences, like disobedience to their parents results in lack of trust, you may wanna share about the times you disobeyed your parents and their consequences, like being grounded, cut in allowance. Or what about betraying of friendships (e.g. gossiping) to belong to the 'IN' group? share with them James 4:4 that we are either with the world or with God)
  • Are we actually really saved or do we only think that we are saved? What are the signs that we are really saved? (you may wanna share how accepting God resulted in a transformation in our lives and challenge them if they have not experience this change that they should pray about it (you may wanna pray for them too :)) or they should question their salvation)

If no then what is holding you back?

I cant really think of any questions pertaining to this, but I think this may be a good time of sharing to understand your students better. You may wanna use some of the questions above too. Some of them might have been stumbled by their friends/family/relatives who claim to be Christians but are living a life of sin. Maybe they have doubts about the authenticity of the bible (then you may wanna do some research to prove that the bible is true). Whatever the reason is you may want to pray for God to show them that He is real or for God to touch them at the end of the sharing session. :)

I think this is an important lesson so do spend some time in praying even as you prepare for this lesson. :)

Discovery 2 (17/1)


Gearing up 2a (5mins) You may want to leave the explaining of the hook to later

Book & Look

Read Romans 1:18

What is God angry about?

Godlessness, Wickedness, Suppressing the truth by their wickedness (it would be good to go through all 3 in detail and try to focus on e last i.e. we have all been to Sunday school and know about God, but are we convincing ourselves that we are ok since we go to church, read the bible once a week etc?)

Read Romans 1:28-32

What are the people who don't trust and obey God like?

Get them to list a few (gossips, arrogant, boastful etc.)
List a few things that we are commonly guilty of e.g. disobey parents, gossip, envy.

Ask them if they have ever disobeyed their parents and use it as an e.g. for e next part (eg. went home later than curfew, what happened? disobedience to parents -> punishment (link back to Gearing Up 2a, when u break a rule, u have to pay e price of breaking e rule) -> damaged r/s (don't trust parents, negative feelings towards parents etc.)

So what happens to these people who disobey God?
vs 32 (deserves death)

Proceed on to Gearing Up 2b: break free (5 mins for hook, 5 mins for explaination)

Explain to them our inability to save ourselves (if you want you can give an eg of how you tried to overcome a sin when you didn't know God or perhaps how you couldn't even be bothered to overcome it)

Punch question:
Do you think that you deserve to go to heaven? Why?
Think about somebody you love (grandparents, pri sch best/good friend, parents?) that is a non christian, do you think he would be going heaven? If he is not going heaven then where do you think he is going?

If u have e time let them imagine how hell would be like. (James 1:17) If every good and perfect gift comes from heaven above then what happens when there is no God?


We are all sinners & are unable to save ourselves, so how? (Focus of the lesson)
End by asking them to read Acts 8:32-35 and close in prayer. (This would lead to e next lesson)

The Fellowship of Jesus

Dear Brothers and Sisters... You might have questions about how you are grouped with your peers. For those of you who did not give me your preference of grouping, I have tried to mix you up based on what I know about you (which admittedly is not a lot) in hope that it will bring both variety and balance to your groups.

Some of you might have to mix more than others :) ...that is part of Christian fellowship and we can take pleasure in it. Let me explain... Using Jesus as our model of Christian fellowship, we see that Jesus did not stay away from anyone. Not even the people that no one liked. Instead he loved them. Christian fellowship, real Christian fellowship must exhibit the same love in our choices... real Christian fellowship is the gathering of unlikely friends.

We may have nothing in common, but we come together, seek and see the best in one another, and go beyond our natural selves to love because the love of Christ unites and compels us. This is the kind of love that keeps people together. No matter what happens.

Is God calling you to take up the challenge of real Christian fellowship? Pray about it... After all, this is the same challenge that you will one day ask of your youths.

Discovery 1: Anyone Out There (10/1)

The Discovery material is actually not very good. But is the best I can come up with. Let me know if you have something better and maybe we can use it next year. Make sure you ask them the additional questions in bold.

In this lesson we introduce God as 1) the Creator who created us to trust and obey Him and 2) the Righteous Judge who will assess our trust and obedience. For most of the youth they will not have problem accepting that God is the Creator and Righteous Judge Why? Because they have been brought up on them since young. BUT what they have problem is with their trust and obedience.

Why do they have problem trust and obeying God?

Reason (1) is because Man's nature is sinful. We cannot do anything about this in one lesson so we will ignore it for now. Reason (2) is that they don't really believe in God (lack faith). They believe God enough to say that he is God, Creator, Righteous Judge, but not enough to trust and obey Him all the time. So actually deep down they don't fully believe. We should begin to address this now.

********** LESSON PROPER

Start by asking them "Who do you think God is?". Hear each one of them out and leaders should also share.

Start on the material.

After covering Gen 1:1, you may want to cover gearing up 1b (the origami) and ask them "Who do you think made Man". Otherwise skip it.

After covering Gen 2:7, you can proceed to show them the interesting object that you have brought (gearing up 1a). If you are using some other hook please use it where appropriate. Ask them to guess the object's purpose. If they are unable to guess correctly after a few tries tell them the answer.

Ask them to guess what God's purpose for them is.

Explain the diagram to them. Go through the rest of the material.

At the end of the day ask them these questions to awaken their own faith:
Do you trust and obey God?
Why do you trust and obey God?

You may wish to share this verse...
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. - 1 John 4:10
... if we are honest with ourselves, God loves us a lot more than we love God... we should strive to love God more so our response should be to trust and obey Him.

Close in Prayer.


If there is time you may wish to share your testimony of why you try hard to trust and obey God.

Contact Info

Please let me (Yipeng) know your email address if you have not been getting email w.r.t Sec 1 Ministry. My telephone number can be found in the Church bulletin.

The Calling of New Leaders

Exodus 3:10-12 (New International Version)
10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt." 11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" 12 And God said, "I will be with you...

God has specifically chosen Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses knew it. But like many new leaders, Moses' eyes were not focused on what God was saying but on his own difficulties and weaknesses. His asking of "Who am I?" suggests that he felt inadequate. Being neither a skilled warrior nor an accomplished leader, Moses was aware that he was not someone who would naturally command the respect of the Pharaoh or the elders of Israelites. This was actually needless worry. In verse 12, God explicitly tells Moses what He had already said in verse 10... "Moses, I will be with you!" Since God was behind his selection, He would also supply the authority and power for Moses to do what He had asked. However the respect Moses desired he would have to earn through his dedication and leadership.

As a new leader can you do the same?