

Get your kids to stand up, hold their bags with arms outstretched in front of them, and make them hold it there for like a minute or something, (till they are tired) and tell them to put/drop it after.

Ask them how it feels, whether they felt tired while holding their bags, whether their hands were aching and whatever else you would like to add.

Use this as an example for the heavy load that they have been carrying by themselves and by putting their bags down, it symbolizes them relying more on God.



2) Basically the idea of this whole lesson is on the freedom that we have in Christ and how, we should just let go of our burdens and rely on Him. (:

- You could also link this back to our lessons on grace, because we can freely approach His Throne of Grace in times of need.

3) Talk about Psalms 23, just to add on to it, in summary, this Psalm tells me 5 things about our Shepherd.

· He leads (v1-3)

· He protects (v4)

· He enables (v5)

· He heals (v5)

· He will bring us home (v6)

4) Burdens – ask your kids what their burdens are. It could be their studies, their relationships and other things. And ask them if they would give it up to help someone else?

You could ask them to share about times where their friends wanted to confide in them but they were too busy worrying about their own problems or vice versa, ask them how they felt during that situation.

We should also remind them, like what the book says looking away from earthly stuff, especially when it takes our eyes away from what’s truly important: Eternal life.

5) Make sure you go through the questions in the book! (:


Encourage your kids to let go of their unwanted baggage! Also, if they have a friend who is struggling, you could encourage them to be there for that friend, why? Because they already have someone who has lifted off their loads.


Done by alicia

Day 5 : Sufficient Grace

Ever heard of the 11:11 thing? Where, when the clock strikes 11:11, you make a wish and it will be granted? So when we make a wish, we are probably actually asking God for something, right? Since.. there must be a where that came from. We probably wouldnt be on time for 11:11 once we reach AC, so turn the time on your watch to that time and tell your kids to imagine that it really is that time! And ask them to pray (wish) for something that they really really want right now. (they donÕt have to share it; privacy would make them more willing to be honest with themselves)

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Refer to Qn 2 and ask them to memorise! Note the repetitions of all and the word "every".What does this mean? THAT ALL YOU NEED, IS HIS GRACE! At first glance, this may seem lame to them. So what if I have his grace? That doesnt mean iPad 2 will miraculously appear in my hands. It doesnt mean that I will definitely score well in exams. It doesnt mean that everybody I will ever meet will like me and want to be my friend. It doesnt mean that what I just wished for will definitely come true. Whats the use of this grace? If God is so gracious and loves us so much, why can't he just give us everything we ask for? Why would he ever say no to what I ask for, even when I do things that the Bible tells me to?Refer to

Qn 3: has this ever happened to them?Did they feel discontented? Maybe even anger at God? Maybe the prayer they had was not going to harm anybody, and maybe it was a prayer that God would let a grandparent pull through an illness. But God did not answer that prayer.

Qn 4. How content are you with your life now? (on a scale of 1 to 10)Now think of recent tragedies; about the Japan situation( you guys can elaborate to them about it), the thai girl who lost both of her legs in the mrt accident recently, or situations that you have heard of recently.How contented are you, NOW? What has God given us? He didnt just plan for us to EXIST. He crafted our lives. Every action we are capable of doing, every word that we are able to speak, is derived from the fact that God gave us this ability. Neither did he make us to be temporary objects (his playthings?) that would roam the surface of the Earth, and then just disappear one day. We were made to LAST. That was the greatest gift of all; eternal life, despite our inadequacies.Read 2 Cor 12:9

Qn 5. What is the thorn in your flesh?(something that constantly bothers you, that you want so much, that thing you wished for in the 11:11 situation)Is it wrong to have this want, so much? No. It is human. Even Paul was a victim to it. What we need to recognize, however, is that GodÕs grace is sufficient. It is all that we NEED.

Qn 6. Read James 1:2-4 Why does God allow difficulties, or even wants, in our lives? 1. To grow us ( you can bring up the analogy of how a diamond does not become a diamond overnight, but by intense pressure, etc) 2. So that we rely not on our own strength of resisting the temptation, but God's grace. His grace is sufficient for our sin3. Difficult people to teach us that love is not a feeling, it is a choice.And then, we'lll finally be prepared for heaven ^^

Qn 7 (Took) So what can you do to take this challenge, today? Recall Ephesians 2:8-9
Done by : Gaily :):):)

Day 4 - How Grace Works

I shall be a kind soul and type out all the questions in the book so that you don’t
have to lug the big brown book around on Sunday. Your welcome!

Heart of the lesson (in other words, this is pretty much what you should drum into
your kids' heads if they possess an incredibly short attention span/memory, just
like my kiddies): Grace is God's free gift of redemption. It causes us to repent
and to think again when we find ourselves in a bad way. It prompts us to return,
putting us back on a godlier path.


Ask them what their definition of God's grace is or what comes to mind when
the 'grace of God' is mentioned.
The accepted definition would be of course, the unconditional love of God for us
expressed through the offering up of Jesus to serve the penalty of death for our

But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do add in your own personal feelings to the
subject of his grace (textbook answers are true, but such a bore). When I think
of the grace of God, I think of steadfast love, compassion, mercy—a kind of
unconditional acceptance that is unlike human love.

Question 1 is optional (Why do you think some people can’t accept God’s free
gift of grace?).

Now on to the main course:

God has given us this beautifully wrapped gift of grace, that when opened,
breaks the shackles of sin that bind us. Ask them if they have ever twisted grace
to suit their own selfishness, to consciously choose to sin knowing God will
forgive and forget. DON’T FORGET TO SHARE TOO!
Link to question 2 (What does the bible say to those who use grace for their own
benefit?) after reading Romans 6:15-18.

Grace is the unconditional love of God for us, exactly as we are, apart from our
own efforts. This is the accepted definition of "grace," with the ending phrase
reassuring us that we have no worries about our present state of sinfulness.

Still, my soul tells me there is a caveat.

We must accept this grace in a special way known to God and us. This
acceptance must include, "How can I thank You?" For above all, we must return
His love. And the best way to do so is to live a life that glorifies him.

Therefore, simply defining grace as ‘God’s unmerited favour’ is incomplete for
scripture teaches us that there is more to grace. Read Titus 2:11-12.
Grace is defined in Scripture as something that teaches us how to live! Doesn’t
sound like the traditional definition of grace huh!

Ask question 4 (Have you every returned to a habitual sin or an old way of living?
What made you return? Describe your thoughts now after reading more about
God’s grace.)
Remind them that since Jesus came, we have a choice of whether to sin or
not. We are no longer slaves to sin and therefore the ‘sinful nature of humans’
no longer applies to us who follow Jesus. Read Romans 6:14 if your kids don’t
believe you!


After reading Ephesians 2:8-10, read Titus 2:11-12 again.
If possible, ask them to find a little corner for themselves and reflect on the
-The one thing/object they really want right now (the ipad 2 etc.)
-The last sin they committed (lying, procrastination, sloth)

Ask them to spend the next few minutes talking to God.

YOU close in prayer. (Don’t forget to ask our Father to help them abstain from
worldly desires and temptations)

LOOK HERE IF YOU NEED HELP: Grace is something that cannot be earned.
You receive it the moment you believe. However, simply believing is not enough
blah blah blah…


OH! And don’t forget to pray!

Done by Caitlyn!!!